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市长 王宏民

  第一章 总则

  第一条 为加强矿产资源勘查、开发利用和保护工作,维护矿业正常秩序,促进矿业可持续发展,根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》等有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 凡在本市行政区域内从事矿产资源勘查、开发利用的单位和个人,均应当遵守本办法。

  第三条 南京市地质矿产局负责本市矿产资源的勘查、开发利用和保护以及地质环境保护的监督管理工作。

  第四条 矿产资源属国家所有,任何单位和个人不得侵占和破坏。

  第五条 勘查、开采矿产资源必须依法取得探矿权、采矿权。探矿权、采矿权转让必须符合法定条件,并依法办理审批手续。

  第二章 规划

  第六条 市矿产资源总体规划由市地质矿产主管部门会同计划、规划部门根据省矿产资源总体规划和城市总体规划组织编制,经市政府审查同意,并报省地质矿产主管部门批准后实施。

  第七条 市矿产资源开发利用和保护等专项规划,由市地质矿产主管部门会同行业主管部门组织编制,经市政府批准后组织实施,并报省地质矿产主管部门备案。

  第八条 市地质矿产主管部门应当会同市规划部门对市辖各区内开采建筑用石料、砂、粘土拟定统一的开采规划,并划定可以开采的范围和禁止开采的范围,报市政府批准。

  第九条 矿产资源开发利用和保护等专项规划应当服从矿产资源总体规划。

  第三章 勘查管理

  第十条 勘查矿产资源必须依法取得勘查许可证,并持勘查许可证和勘查单位的资格证书,到市地质矿产主管部门登记备案。

  第十一条 探矿权人应当自觉接受地质矿产主管部门的监督管理,在完成勘查作业后一个月内,向市及所在区、县地质矿产主管部门报送有关资料。

  第十二条 探矿权人依法取得临时土地使用权后,在勘查过程中对耕地、耕地上的农作物、林地上的林木、土地上的附着物造成损害的,应按有关法律、法规的规定给予补偿。

  第十三条 勘查工作结束后,探矿权人必须按规定做好土地复垦、森林植被、环境保护和地质灾害防治等工作,造成破坏的,应承恢复和治理所需的费用。

  第四章 开采管理

  第十四条 开采矿产资源必须珍惜和保护矿产资源,采用合理的采矿、选矿方法,不得乱采滥挖、采富弃贫、采易弃难、优材劣用,同时注意资源的综合利用。

  第十五条 露天开采砂、石、粘土等矿产资源的,必须在市政府批准的可以开采的范围内进行。开采方式应当符合国家有关的技术规范,并经市地质矿产主管部门认定。

  第十六条 开采矿产资源必须依法办理审批登记手续,并领取采矿许可证,缴纳矿产资源补偿费。

  第十七条 采矿权人在提出采矿权申请前,应当按规定制作矿产储量简测说明书,并根据矿产储量简测说明书或地质勘查储量报告向地质矿产主管部门申请划定矿区范围。

  第十八条 领取采矿许可证应当具备下列条件:

  第十九条 办理采矿登记应当提供下列资料:

  第二十条 地质矿产主管部门应当自收到采矿权登记申请之日起40日内作出准予登记或不予登记决定。

  第二十一条 采矿权也可以通过招标投标的方式有偿取得。

  第二十二条 采矿权人应当自领取采矿许可证之日起6个月内按规定进行采矿施工。

  第二十三条 市地质矿产主管部门颁发的采矿许可证的有效期限最长不得超过5年,县地质矿产管理部门颁发的采矿许可证有效期最长不得超过3年。采矿许可证有效期满,需要继续采矿的,采矿权人应在采矿许可证有效期届满前30日内申请办理采矿许可证延续登记手续。

  第二十四条 除《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》第二十条规定范围外;下列范围内也不得开采矿产资源:

  第二十五条 采矿权人凭采矿许可证到公安、劳动部门办理《民用爆炸物品使用许可证》、《矿山安全条件许可证》。任何单位不得向无采矿许可证的单位和个人出售、转让爆炸用品、实施爆破。

  第二十六条 采矿权人应按规定向地质矿产主管部门上报矿产品生产、销售情况报表,提交年度报告,接受监督检查,并按规定做好矿产储量统计、核减、注销工作。

  第二十七条 对因采矿活动造成的危岩、危坡、地面沉降和塌陷区,采矿权人应当设立警示标志,并进行有效治理,防治地质灾害,造成损害的,依法予以赔偿。

  第二十八条 采矿权人停办、关闭矿山必须按有关规定做好矿山安全、水土保持、土地复垦、森林植被保护、环境保护、水库、防洪设施和水源保护等工作,造成破坏的,应当承担恢复和治理责任,所需费用由采矿权人承担。

  第二十九条 除国家指定的收购单位外,任何单位和个人不得擅自收购和转手买卖国家统一收购的矿产品。

  第三十条 未经地质矿产主管部门批准,采矿权人不得擅自将采矿权转让、租赁、承包,也不得将矿区范围内的矿产资源划分成多个矿点,分别租赁、承包给两个以上的独立经济核算的单位和个人。

  第五章 罚则

  第三十一条 违反本办法,有下列行为之一的,由地质矿产主管部门予以处罚:

  第三十二条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,或者向人民法院提起行政诉讼。当事人逾期不申请复议、不起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的行政机关依法申请人民法院强制执行。

  第三十三条 地质矿产主管部门的工作人员徇私舞弊、滥用职权、玩忽职守,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

  第六章 附则      
  第三十四条 本办法由南京市地质矿产局负责解释。

  第三十五条 本办法自发布之日起施行。1997年6月25日南京市人民政府发布的《南京市矿产资源开采管理暂行办法》同时废止。

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Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on August 2, 1984 and promulgated
by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental
Protection on August 25, 1984)
In order to strengthen the administration of private houses owned by
foreigners within the territory of China, and to protect the lawful rights
and interests of their owners, the following provisions are formulated in
accordance with the relevant laws and regulations:
1. The administration of the residential houses and nonresidential houses
owned by foreign individuals or by a group of foreigners jointly within
the territory of China and for their own use or for renting out
(hereinafter referred to as foreigners' private houses), shall comply with
the provisions in the Regulations on the Administration of Private Houses
in Urban Areas.
2. The owners of foreigners' private houses must go through the
registration procedures for the proprietary rights of houses at the
administrative departments for real estate under the people's governments
in the localities where the aforesaid houses are located (hereinafter
referred to as the administrative department for real estate), and after
the examination and verification, obtain a house owner's certificate; in
the event that the ownership of a house is to be transferred, the present
state of the houses is to be changed, or the owner's nationality has been
changed, the house owner must go through the registration procedures for
the transfer of the ownership, or for other changes, at the administrative
department for real estate in the place where the said house is located.
3. In going through the procedures for the registration of the ownership
of foreigners' private houses, of the transfer or changes, the owners of
the houses shall present certificates of nationality and occupation, as
well as the following certifying papers:
(1) with respect to newly-built, rebuilt, or expanded houses, the
construction licences approved by the planning and administrative
departments in the localities, and also the building blueprints;
(2) with respect to newly-bought houses, the original certificates of
title, the contracts for house transaction, and the title deeds of the
houses must be submitted;
(3) with respect to houses accepted as gifts, the original certificates of
title, the deeds of gift or deeds of demised house, and the title deeds of
the houses must be submitted;
(4) with respect to houses exchanged, the certificates of title of both
parties, the agreements signed by both parties, and the title deeds of the
houses must be submitted;
(5) with respect to inherited houses, the original certificates of title,
certifying documents for the inheritance, and the deeds of houses must be
(6) with respect to houses allotted from one's family properties, the
original certificates of title, lists of the said allotment, and the deeds
of the houses must be submitted;
(7) with respect to houses the demolition of which, has been approved, the
original certificates of title, and the permission of demolition of the
houses must be submitted. If the aforesaid certifying documents are
incomplete or the ownership of the houses in question is uncertain, the
registration procedures shall be postponed until conditions are ripe for
4. When foreigners' private houses are rented or lent out, the relevant
lease contracts and the lending documents shall be presented, for the
record, to the administrative departments for real estate in the places
where the said houses are located.
5. If the owners of foreigners' private houses are unable to go through,
personally, the registration procedures for the transfer of ownership or
for other changes of the said houses, they may appoint agents or Chinese
attorneys at law to handle the case; and the owners of the houses shall
personally vest their agents or attorneys with powers of attorney.
If the owners of foreigners' private houses are unable to manage affairs
concerning their houses because of their absence from the places where
their houses are located, or owing to other reasons, they may appoint
agents residing in the places where the said houses are located to manage
the houses for them. The owners of the houses shall personally vest their
agents or attorneys with powers of attorney.
6. The certifying documents and title deeds to be used for going through
the registration procedures for the ownership of houses or for the
transfer of ownership or other changes and the appointment of agents,
shall be notarized. The notarial documents prepared and signed in a
foreign country shall be verified and confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the said country, or by its authorized agencies, and by the
Chinese embassies or consulates in the said countries.
The certifying documents and title deeds to be used for going through the
registration procedures for the ownership of the houses or for the
transfer of ownership or for the other changes and the appointment of
agents, must be the original documents. If the certifying documents and
title deeds are prepared in foreign language, notarized and verified
translations in the Chinese language must be attached thereto.
7. These Provisions shall not apply to the houses owned by Chinese-foreign
equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign contractual ventures, and
foreign-capital enterprises.
8. These Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.





第一条 为促进我国经济发展,鼓励华侨和香港澳门同胞(以下统称华侨、港澳投资者)在境内投资,制定本规定。
第二条 华侨、港澳投资者可以在境内各省、自治区、直辖市、经济特区投资。
第三条 华侨、港澳投资者在境内可以下列形式进行投资:
第四条 华侨、港澳投资者可以在境内的工业、农业、服务业以及其他符合社会和经济发展方向的行业投资。华侨、港澳投资者可以从各地方人民政府有关部门公布的项目中选择投资项目,也可以自行提出投资项目意向,向拟投资地区对外经济贸易部门或者地方人民政府指定的审批机关申请。
第五条 华侨、港澳投资者在境内投资举办拥有全部资本的企业、合资经营企业和合作经营企业(以下统称华侨、港澳同胞投资企业),除适用本规定外,参照执行国家有关涉外经济法律、法规的规定,享受相应的外商投资企业待遇。
第六条 华侨、港澳投资者可以用可自由兑换货币、机器设备或者其他实物、工业产权、专有技术等作为投资。
第七条 华侨、港澳投资者在境内的投资、购置的资产、工业产权、投资所得利润和其他合法权益受国家法律保护,并可以依法转让和继承。
第八条 国家对华侨、港澳投资者的投资和其他资产不实行国有化。
第九条 国家根据社会公共利益的需要,对华侨、港澳同胞投资企业实行征收时,依照法律程序进行并给予相应的补偿。
第十条 华侨、港澳投资者投资获得的合法利润,其他合法收入和清算后的资金,可以依法汇往境外。
第十一条 华侨、港澳同胞投资企业在其投资总额内进口本企业所需的机器设备、生产用车辆和办公设备,以及华侨、港澳同胞个人在企业工作期间运进自用的、合理数量的生活用品和交通工具,免缴进口关税、工商统一税,免领进口许可证。
第十二条 华侨、港澳同胞投资企业可以向境内的金融机构借款,也可以向境外的金融机构借款,并可以本企业资产和权益抵押、担保。
第十三条 华侨、港澳同胞投资者拥有全部资本的企业,经营期限由投资者自行确定;合资经营企业和合作经营企业,经营期限由合资或者合作各方协商确定,也可以不规定经营期限。
第十四条 合资经营企业董事会的组成和董事长的委派、合作经营企业董事会或者联合管理机构的组成和董事长或者联合管理机构主任的委派,可以参照出资比例或者合作条件,由合资或者合作各方协商决定。
第十五条 华侨、港澳同胞投资企业依照经批准的合同、章程进行经营管理活动。企业的经营管理自主权不受干涉。
第十六条 在境内投资的华侨、港澳同胞个人以及华侨、港澳同胞投资企业从境外聘请的技术和管理人员,可以申请办理多次入出境的证件。
第十七条 华侨、港澳投资者在境内投资可以委托境内的亲友为其代理人。代理人应当持有具有法律效力的委托书。
第十八条 在华侨、港澳同胞投资企业集中的地区,华侨、港澳投资者可以向当地人民政府申请成立华侨、港澳投资者协会。
第十九条 华侨、港澳投资者在境内投资举办合资经营企业、合作经营企业,由境内的合资、合作方负责申请;举办华侨、港澳投资者拥有全部资本的企业,由华侨、港澳投资者直接申请或者委托在境内的亲友、咨询服务机构等代为申请。华侨、港澳投资者投资举办企业的申请,由当地对外经济贸易部门或者地方人民政府指定的审批机关统一受理。
第二十条 华侨、港澳投资者在境内投资因履行合同发生的或者与合同有关的争议,当事人应当尽可能通过协商或者调解解决。
第二十一条 本规定由对外经济贸易部负责解释。
第二十二条 本规定自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by Decree No. 64 of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China on August 19, 1990, and effective as of the date of
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated with a view to promoting the economic
development of our country and to encouraging overseas Chinese and
compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao (hereinafter referred to as "overseas
Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao") to make investments
in China's inland areas.
Article 2
Overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao can make
investments in the various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities
directly under the Central Government, and special economic zones in
China's inland areas.
Overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao are
encouraged to engage themselves in business operations of land development
in accordance with the pertinent regulations of the state.
Article 3
The investments made by the overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong
Kong and Macao may take the following forms:
(1) to establish enterprises with the capital wholly owned by the overseas
Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao;
(2) to establish equity joint ventures and contractual joint ventures;
(3) to carry out compensation trade, to process supplied materials, to
assemble supplied parts, and to carry out contractual production;
(4) to purchase shares and various bonds and debentures of existing
(5) to purchase real estate;
(6) to obtain land use right according to law and to engage in land
development operation;
(7) to use other forms of investment permitted under the laws and
Article 4
Overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao can make
investments in various trades in China's inland areas: in industries, in
agriculture, in service trades, and in other trades that are in conformity
with the orientation of social and economic development. Overseas Chinese
investors and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao may select their
investment projects from the lists of projects made public by the
departments concerned under various local people's governments; they may
also put forward, of their own accord, proposals as to their investment
intent and file their applications to the departments of foreign economic
relations and trade or to the examining and approving organs designated by
various local people's governments located in areas where they intend to
make their investments.
The State encourages overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong
and Macao to make investments in the establishment of export-oriented
enterprises and of technologically advanced enterprises, and gives
corresponding preferential treatment to such enterprises.
Article 5
With respect to the various types of enterprises established with
investments by overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and
Macao - enterprises with the capital wholly owned by such investors
equity, joint ventures, and contractual joint ventures (hereinafter
referred to as "enterprises with investments by overseas Chinese and
compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao"), they shall all be operated in
accordance with these Provisions; in addition, they may also enjoy the
corresponding preferential treatment as enjoyed by enterprises with
foreign investments, in the light of the relevant provisions in the state
laws, decrees and regulations on external economic relations. Cases
concerning other forms of investment made by such investors in China's
inland areas, and concerning their dividends, interest, rental, royalties
and other incomes that come from China's inland areas without establishing
business offices here, shall be handled in accordance with these
Provisions, and, if need be, with reference to foreign-related economic
laws, decrees and regulations of the State.
Article 6
Overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao may make
their investments by using convertible currencies, machinery and equipment
or other physical goods industrial property rights, and proprietary
Article 7
The investment made in China's inland areas by overseas Chinese investors
and those from Hong Kong and Macao, the assets they have purchased, their
industrial property rights, the profits from their investments, and other
lawful rights and interests shall be protected by State laws, and may be
transferred or inherited according to law. Overseas Chinese investors and
those from Hong Kong and Macao shall abide by State laws and regulations
in their activities in inland areas.
Article 8
The State shall not nationalize the investment made by overseas Chinese
investors and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao or other assets
belonging to them.
Article 9
Where the state, in accordance with the needs of social and public
interest, has to requisition the enterprises with investments by overseas
Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao, the state shall
handle the case according to the legal procedures and the investors
concerned shall be duly compensated.
Article 10
The lawful profits gained by overseas Chinese investors and those from
Hong Kong and Macao from their investments, their other lawful incomes and
the funds after liquidation may be remitted out of China's inland areas
according to law.
Article 11
Machinery and equipment imported to meet the needs of enterprises with
investments by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao
and, included in the total amount of investment, motor vehicles for use in
production, office equipment, as well as articles and means of
communications for personal use and within reasonable quantities, imported
by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao during the
period when they work in the aforesaid enterprises shall be exempted from
Customs duties and consolidated industrial and commercial tax, and also
from the application for import licences.
The raw and processed materials, fuels, bulk parts, spare and component
parts, primary parts, and fittings, which are imported by enterprises with
investments by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao
for the production of export commodities, shall all be exempt from Customs
duties and consolidated industrial and commercial tax and also from the
application for import licences and placed under the supervision of the
Customs. In case that the aforesaid imported materials and parts are used
for the production of commodities to be sold on China's inland markets, it
is imperative to make up the procedures for importation and to pay taxes
and duties according to the regulations.
The export commodities produced by the enterprises with investments by
overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao shall, with the
exception of those commodities the exportation of which is under
restriction by the State, be exempt from Customs duties on export goods
and consolidated industrial and commercial tax.
Article 12
Enterprises with investments by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong
Kong and Macao may obtain loans from financial institutions in China's
inland areas; they may also obtain loans from financial institutions
outside China's inland areas, and may use their assets as well as their
rights and interests as mortgage or security.
Article 13
With respect to enterprises with the capital wholly owned by overseas
Chinese investors and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, their period
of operation shall be determined by the investors themselves; as to equity
joint ventures and contractual joint ventures, their period of operation
shall be determined, through consultation, by the various parties to the
above-said joint ventures; they may also set no limit to the period of
Article 14
The composition of the board of directors of joint ventures and the
appointment of the chairman of the board of directors, the composition of
the board of directors or of the joint management organs of contractual
joint ventures and the appointment of the chairman or the appointment of
the director of the joint management organs, shall be determined, through
consultation, by the various parties to the equity joint ventures or to
the contractual joint ventures in the light of the proportion of
investments or the terms of contract.
Article 15
Enterprises with investments by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong
Kong and Macao shall conduct their operational and management activities
in accordance with the approved contract or articles of association. The
enterprises' decision-making power for business operations and management
shall not be interfered with.
Article 16
Overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao who have made
investments in China's inland areas, and the technical and managerial
personnel engaged from outside the boundaries of China's inland areas by
enterprises with investments by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong
Kong and Macao, may apply for multi-journey travel documents.
Article 17
Overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao who make
investments in China's inland areas may appoint their relatives or friends
residing in the inland areas as their agents. The agents should hold
legally effective letters of authority.
Article 18
In areas where enterprises with investments by overseas Chinese and
compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao are concentrated, overseas Chinese
investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao may apply to the local
people's government for the establishment of the association of overseas
Chinese investors and investors from Hong Kong and Macao.
Article 19
With respect to equity joint ventures and contractual joint ventures to be
established in China's inland areas, with the investments by overseas
Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao, the application for
the establishment of the aforesaid enterprises shall be filed by the
inland party; as to the enterprises to be established with capital wholly
owned by overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and Macao,
the application shall be filed directly by such investors themselves, or
they may entrust their relatives or friends residing in China's inland
areas, or entrust the institution providing consultancy services, with the
application. Applications for the establishment of enterprises with
investments by overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao
shall be accepted and handled exclusively by the local department for
foreign economic relations and trade, or by the examining and approving
organs designated by the local people's government.
The examination and approval of the applications for the establishment of
enterprises with investments from overseas Chinese and compatriots from
Hong Kong and Macao shall be handled in accordance with the authorization
by the State Council. Departments for foreign economic relations and trade
at the various levels or the examining and approving organs designated by
the local people's government shall, within forty-five days of receipt of
complete application documents, make the decision on whether the said
application is approved or disapproved.
The applicant shall, within thirty days of receipt of the written
approval, file an application to the department for the administration of
industry and commerce, and, in accordance with the relevant procedures for
registration and administration, go through the procedures for
registration and obtain the business licence.
Article 20
With respect to overseas Chinese investors and those from Hong Kong and
Macao who have made investments in China's inland areas, in case that a
dispute arises during the execution of or in relation to a contract, the
parties concerned shall try their best to settle the dispute through
consultation or mediation.
In case that the parties concerned are unwilling to settle the dispute
through consultation or mediation, or the dispute cannot be settled
through consultation or mediation, the parties concerned may, in
accordance with the stipulations of the arbitration articles in the
contract, or in accordance with the written arbitration agreement reached
by the parties concerned after the dispute has arisen, submit their
dispute to the arbitration authorities in China's inland areas or
elsewhere for settlement.
In the event that the parties concerned did not specify an arbitration
article in their contract, and no written arbitration agreement has been
reached after the dispute occurs, then the dispute may be brought before
the people's court.
Article 21
The right to interpret these Provisions rests with the Ministry of Foreign
Economic Relations and Trade.
Article 22
These Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.